JAYAPURA - Acting Assistant I Regional Secretariat of Papua, Yohanis Walilo, appealed to the local Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) to reduce official travel.
It aims to create budget efficiency to maximize the implementation of development in Cenderawasih Earth.
"Including reducing the implementation of activities in hotels as directed by President Joko Widodo," explained Walilo in Jayapura, Friday (1/3/2024).
Walilo also reminded all Regional Apparatus Organization of the Papua Provincial Government to use their budget optimally and measurably.
Because the current fiscal condition of the provincial government is minimal, it demands efficient regulation of the use of funds available in each organization.
"Regional Apparatus Organization must prioritize important activities and urgent needs. In addition, postpone activities that can be suspended," Wallo said.
Wallo added that the Regional Apparatus Organization was also asked to postpone physical projects that require large budgets for the smooth running of more priority activities.
"Because this year is a transition period for the Papua Provincial Government, elections that require sufficient allocation of funds," he concluded. ***